from the blog.

For Better Heart Health, Put Some Flax in Your Snax…

Many studies have shown that incorporating flaxseed in your diet on a regular basis has proven heart health benefits. Flaxseed is filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your heart because they lower blood pressure, improve your HDL/LDL (cholesterol) ratio, and can reduce your risk of heart attack.

Grocery stores sell flaxseed in multiple forms: whole flaxseeds, flaxseed-oil, and ground flaxseed are the most common. A small amount of flaxseed in your diet on a consistent basis can reap big health rewards. Adding the seeds with yogurt, oatmeal, or protein shakes for breakfast is a simple way to get your Omega-3s. They are even easy to mix in with pancake batter instead of using eggs (side note: we don’t recommend pancakes as a daily routine, but if you’re looking for a vegan/vegetarian breakfast treat, this is a great option). For lunch, you can use whole flaxseed on top of a salad, or lightly coat a chicken breast in ground flax. Just two tablespoons of flax incorporated into your daily diet will likely improve your cholesterol ratios. This is an effortless and delicious way to take care of your heart without feeling like you’ve changed your diet at all. Just don’t pile it on too much… think of flaxseed in the same way you would think of other good fats, like olive oil and avocados… a little goes a long way.

During Heart Disease Awareness Month, this is one modification to your daily routine that can improve your heart health combined with the advice and supervision of your Foundation Health physician. For more information about using flaxseed to improve your heart health, take a look at the link above.

Not interested in flaxseed? Call us or come in to talk with us about other ways to get your Omega-3’s.

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